NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd – Whistleblowing Policy (March 2023) 

NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd is committed to maintaining a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct. This Whistleblowing Policy aims to provide a confidential and secure mechanism for employees and stakeholders to report concerns about suspected misconduct, unethical behavior, or any other wrongdoing within the organization. The policy encourages open communication and ensures that individuals who report in good faith are protected from any form of retaliation. 

1. Scope 

This Whistleblowing Policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, clients, and any other individuals who have a relationship with NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd. It covers all aspects of misconduct, including but not limited to fraud, corruption, harassment, discrimination, safety violations, financial malpractice, and environmental concerns. 

2. Reporting Mechanism 

Confidential Reporting Channel: NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd provides a confidential and secure reporting channel through which whistleblowers can report their concerns. Reports can be made through various channels, such as a designated email address, hotline, or an anonymous reporting platform, if available. 

External Reporting Option: In addition to internal reporting, individuals may have the option to report their concerns to an external independent party, such as a regulatory body or a designated ombudsman. 

3. Protection of Whistleblowers 

NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd is committed to protecting whistleblowers who make good-faith reports. We will not tolerate any form of retaliation or adverse action against individuals who report concerns under this policy. Whistleblowers will be protected from any discriminatory, disciplinary, or other negative consequences resulting from their report.

4. Handling of Reports 

All reports received will be treated seriously and impartially. 

A designated authority, such as the Compliance Officer or the Ethics Committee, will be responsible for handling the reported concerns. 

Reports will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken in response to the findings. 

The whistleblower will be informed about the progress and outcome of the investigation to the extent permissible by law and confidentiality requirements. 

5. Confidentiality 

The identity of the whistleblower will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law. However, in certain circumstances, anonymity may limit the organization's ability to investigate and address the concerns effectively. NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd will take reasonable steps to protect the whistleblower's identity and maintain confidentiality throughout the process. 

6. False Reports 

NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd takes false reporting seriously, as it can harm individuals, damage reputations, and divert resources from genuine concerns. Whistleblowers who knowingly submit false or malicious reports may be subject to disciplinary action. 

7. Non-Retaliation 

Any employee found to have engaged in retaliation against a whistleblower will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 

8. Awareness and Training

NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd will conduct periodic awareness programs and training sessions to educate employees and stakeholders about the Whistleblowing Policy, their rights, and the importance of reporting concerns promptly. 

9. Review and Communication 

This Whistleblowing Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. It will be communicated to all employees and stakeholders to ensure widespread understanding and adherence. 

10. Conclusion 

NetworksX Market Insights Pty Ltd is committed to fostering a culture of integrity, accountability, and transparency. This Whistleblowing Policy reflects our dedication to addressing misconduct and unethical behavior promptly and responsibly. We encourage all employees and stakeholders to report concerns in good faith, knowing that they will be protected from any form of retaliation. 

Date: March 3rd 2023